Blog Post
It is likely you are not aware of the money beliefs you’ve collected & adopted throughout your life or the impact they have on you now.
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Our agreements always trigger us & become our secret driving force.
I know from firsthand experience how liberating it can be to eliminate hindering blindspot beliefs and agreements. In fact, my life would not be where it is today both personally and professionally if I was still allowing old underlying beliefs to dictate my decisions and continue to pretty much run my life. I now remain vigilant about the beliefs that drive my decisions and behaviour, paying close attention – especially when I am not seeing the results I really want. I am intentional about creating agreements that support my Ultimate Desired Outcomes™. The process of transformation is ongoing and while it is possible to experience instant breakthroughs through powerful exercises and coaching, I am not promising you will have it completely figured out today.
Truth is, it might take more than this exercise & guide to ignite a breakthrough.
I do, however, guarantee that taking the initiative of searching deep to examine and upgrade your beliefs and agreement system, will transform you forever. If you fully commit to seeking continuous progress in this area, this will become one of those defining moments in your life. I promise. Inside my program, Wealth Breakthrough Secrets, I guide clients through the inner work that Wealth Mastery calls for. I also share the methods and exercises I use every time I am ready for the next level of success… I even share my own very personal stories and struggles experienced as a result of silent agreements I picked up along the way. How I discovered them, what was at the root, and how I was able to break free. Click here to learn more about the Wealth Breakthrough Secrets program and how it can benefit you and your business.
What you can do NOW to ignite your breakthrough.
The only way to experience real and tangible transformation is to break free of old agreements and subconscious programming by trading old sabotaging beliefs for new ones that are in full alignment with what you truly desire to experience in life. How do you do this? Like I pointed out before, you’ll achieve it if you commit to an ongoing process… and you can begin today!
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Member’s Only Exclusive:
I’ve created a ‘breakthrough guide’ you can download here, to help take you through the process. But first, let’s talk about what it really takes to break free of old agreements and why it’s so important.
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Discovering what triggers you and what is driving your decisions.
Money is a mirror and it is a tangible area we can point to. When you are not making as much money as you desire it is a clear symptom of beliefs that are not in alignment with what you say you want. It is a clear sign of inner conflict going on for you and it’s showing up in other areas of your life as well. It is important to note that a deeply rooted agreement is anchoring it.
A silent agreement.
I use the term silent agreement purposefully. For the most part, we are completely unaware that they exist. I’ve been a witness to this scenario playing out for clients at all levels of success so please do not for a second think it is not relevant to you. At my most recent 3 day event, we dedicated a whole day to the topic of INCREASE and I used money as the trigger point to draw out experiences that would bring to light otherwise hidden beliefs and silent agreements in order to acknowledge them, heal them, and reframe them. This is what you’ll want to do as well.
{Premium Content}
Don’t forget to download the ‘breakthrough guide’ I created for you.
It will help you focus on discovering hidden beliefs and silent agreements in order to recognize the behaviors they are causing, finally break free of the limitations they continuously impose on you and create a new paradigm for yourself that supports your true ultimate desired outcome.
Creating positive transformation starts with identifying the root agreement and its origin.
You must discover why this agreement was established. What sparked it? Why are you still holding on to it? What continues to fuel it? Once you uncover this important piece, you can use the information to revisit it with a new perspective based on who you are now (and what you know now). You’ll compare it to the old perspective you had when you originally decided to make the agreement and adopted the supporting beliefs. Being able to recognize this contrast will help you release the old paradigm to eliminate the inner conflict that is serving as a barrier now. Use the ‘breakthrough guide’ to intentionally define what you really want, create new powerful agreements that pull you in the direction of your desired outcomes and ignite your breakthrough right away. Download the ‘breakthrough guide’ here. ♥
{Download Here}

Karla Denise
Award Winning Entrepreneur & Business Mentor
Now it’s your turn… It’s time to create the lifestyle and business you love.
Do you want to finally live the lifestyle you were longing for when you started your business?
Have you been hovering at that six figure glass ceiling for way too long & want to finally breakthrough?
I’m known for helping clients accelerate their income and I have mentored thousands of entrepreneurs worldwide to create a business that is lucrative, personally rewarding, and makes it possible to transform lives while enjoying the lifestyle they truly desire.
Through private mentoring I’ll help you identify your highest income producing opportunities, breakthrough limiting money beliefs and I will teach you the exact strategies you can implement right now to create enough momentum in your business and finally transition into a leveraged multiple six and seven figure business model.
If you are ready to have more… more money, more time, and freedom, then I encourage you to apply for an Income Acceleration Discovery Session. I will personally review your application and will contact you with your next steps.