What Beliefs Have You Inherited About Money?
I can assure you one thing: it’s 99.9% likely that you are not conscious of the money beliefs you adopted and how they impact your life.
How can I be so sure? After working with entrepreneurs at different levels of leadership and in all phases of business growth I can tell you that the subject of money is one of the most emotionally charged subjects there is. No matter who you are, how old you are, where you live, what you do, how much you make, or how much you have… I am certain that your beliefs and hidden agreements with money need your attention.
EVERYONE needs to experience a transformation in the area of money because it’s a mirror to other areas of our lives and at your very core you will find a collection of beliefs and agreements that are the driving force dictating your behaviors, your feelings, thoughts, etc.
The key to all of this is…
In most cases we adopt beliefs unconsciously, from hearing, seeing, or living experiences that have impacted us in such a profound way that it causes us to make decisions and commitments to fulfill very important agreements.
These agreements were originally designed to help us, serve us, support us, and protect us but as time goes by, our situations change, we grow, and those same agreements become limiting constraints, stumbling blocks, self-sabotage, and it most likely shows up as a set of behaviors that harm us. The same agreements become very dangerous because we are not aware of them and at the same time they are dictating our life now. They trigger us and become our secret driving force.
It’s important for you to discover these secret beliefs and the agreements so that you can recognize the behaviors they are causing, finally break free of the limitations they continuously impose on you, and create a new paradigm for yourself that supports your true ultimate desired outcome.
How do you do this?
Identify the fear(s) that triggers you and/or driver you.
Money is a mirror and it is a tangible area we can point to. When you are not making as much money as you desire it is a clear symptom of a fear, a deeply rooted belief is anchoring it.
At my most recent 3 Day Event, we dedicated a whole day to the area around increase and I used money as the trigger point to draw out so many experiences, beliefs, etc. in order to acknowledge them, heal them, and reframe them. What’s important is that you are able to identify the root belief.
Here is something I posted recently: Identify the fear, find the root, expose the root, forgive and release to cast out fear. Design a new paradigm for yourself. Receive in abundance both spiritually and financially the way you were designed to Be Limitless.
Find the root of the fear, at your core.
Expose the root
And Release to cast out fear.
Design a new paradigm for yourself.
Receive in abundance both spiritually and financially the way you were designed to Be Limitless. #belimitless
I’ll share with you some ways to do this very soon, but for now I’d love to hear your opinion on this post.
© 2011-2014 KS International, LLC
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“Entrepreneurial Mentor, Karla Sánchez-Pacheco guides women all over the world through the process of designing, starting, and growing a profitable business that provides them the opportunity to live the lifestyle they’ve always desired. Visit: karlashines.com to sign up for her FREE Report: “Money Makeover Secrets: Transforming you Money relationship”
